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Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Lets talk about today... =p
today, our plan was to go pingpong at taylors service centre? i think its something like that..
well.. was suppose to hit balls with our bats at 9.3oam. And smash some cocks with a racket at 11am. Don't get me wrong.. i'm referring balls and cocks to pingpongballs and shuttle cocks..

Sadly~, gene was late to pick us up.. by the time he picked all of us up.. we were just in time for badminton... Hence, pingpong/table tennis was a bye-bye... tata~
Badminton at jaya square.. smashed the cocks until it became soft... and bulu-less.. =p
Vulgar? =/
Told ya my holidays are spent like that... sports.. sports. sports.. and more sports...
and yes its one of the reasons i have this skin pigment.. is that how u spell it? hmm..
*oink oink -ment...*

We then proceed-ed to mcD.. again.. it was raining.. and eugene drove in and out of mcD becuz he kept missing an available parking slot.. the process was like this...

drive in.. got parking slot.. overshot.. come in again... parking space taken by other car.. and overshot another empty slot... went back in again... overshot another spot which we didnt noticed earlier.. and it goesssssssss on...~~

finally got into mcD and got some McFood to feel our stomachs... Have to agree with yitwei.. Drivethru McD SS15- food quality dropped like riped durians... that was random.. do ripe durians drop to the floor fast? lol..
but, its not the main point... all of the above.. is mainly not the main point of this post.. lolx lolx >.<
the conversation we had.. was interesting.. it was about yesterday... (11th dec 2007)
it was jaymee and junxians birthday..
we went over to jaymee's hse to give her a surprise party.. as she just landed back in malaysia from australia.. god knows what she did there.. holiday gua.. so we were waiting for her in her room... and the maid gave everything away.. lol... terbongkar terus.. jaymee went to her bedroom not really surprised.. =D
Had pizza.. coke,pepsi,sprite, and everything nice... sounds familiar.. from a cartoon maybe?
and some beer..
we ate.. and drank.. till we played some indian poker...

everyone is given a card... not knowing each of their card.. they place it at their forehead.. showing the rest of the players their card... everyone gets to see everyones card except for themselves... a cup is placed in the middle.. and is passed thru everyone.. players get to add beer into the cup, any amount they like.. the person with the smallest card will have to drink the whole cup.

not so very nice game...
and i went home..
the end..

Oops.. things only start to gets nice after i leave... this is what i understood from the conversation in McD today.. about last nite..
They drank more liquor... and fongyou end up sleeping in the toilet.. and things broke... and people drunk... and puke.. and puke.. and u don't want to know more.. fongyou himself didnt quite remember bout last nite... he didnt even know what he broke.. =p
well.. i guess it became a big mess... i dont know.. im not there already.. >.<
and thats jaymee's birthday party..
lol.. feel sorry for her.. and her parents.. caused so much trouble for them.. =(
but hoped she enjoyed it as well..

Posted on 11:58 PM


Factual myths and misleading fables to be told...


xing 18 guy
Fairytale teller

to worry and give concern, only hoping that they realise i actually cared...

My posts

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