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Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cheese steamed rice.

well.. cooked a dish some time ago..
you know the.. cheese baked rice at chinese 'char chan teng's like kim gary?
well.. u can do it at home too..
just that its not so much of a 'baked rice'..
but more like a steam rice.. basically cause i steamed it.. =p

well.. simple ingredients..
not really costly.. fairly affordable to do it yourself..
will cut more on writing.. and reach to the pictures earlier..
ha.. here we are.. =p

'cheese steamed rice'

had some ham, sausages, eggs, tomatoes, cheese.. and yes.. marjerin rice..
nyam nyam..

say: cheeeeeeeeeeeeeessee..

this pic is taken.. after resisting temtation to whallop it..
well i wouldnt say my cooking is good.. but it tastes awesome..
seriously... beyond expectation..
kurang baik -
memuaskan -
sangat baik - tick*

lol.. seriously.. not to praise myself or something..
just want to let u guys know.. u can do it tooo...
becuz a simple dish like this.. which was made simply-ly
turned out to be better than my own expectation..
above 'memuaskan'.. wahahaha...

and there goes the cheese steamed rice...
oh by the way.. this portion serves two.. FULL.
which makes u just wanna go lie down and fall into lala land...

Posted on 11:36 PM

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Hiking trip to bk tabur.

okay.. theres a lot of things that i have to blog about
firstly the competition on last saturday..
havent got the pics yet.. but my team got 2nd place..
will post more about it when i get my hands on those pics..

ok.. now about today...
this morning we went to taman melawati to go hiking..
well kokken's friend brought him there once and so he suggested and we are fond with the idea..
so we just went ahead..
abit of delays... due to sleepy-heads..
we still manage to reach and start our hike at 8am.

before any event.. always head for the loo..
the men's room? take a turn left.. and.. err.. anywhere will do..
"excuse me.. excuse me.. zheh meh zheh meh..." tshhhh...

and off we go..

well.. the starting is kinda steep.. everything was fine until we stopped awhile to enjoy the view..
and then i start realising.. everyone started panting already...
omg.. not even 10 mins..

self timer.. after many many tries..
this was the place we stopped to enjoy our first view of the day...

wonderful mists, clouds feels so low.. beautiful sun.. nice hill.. calm and steady lake...
weather was fantastic.. scenaries? awesome..

road block! ant trail coming thru.....

well after some walking, hiking and climbing.. yeah.. (involves hands)
we went up a steep stone to come to a open ground..
and guess what?
2 aunties sitting there chit chatting.. best part? one of them were carrying a baby in her arm..
"how did they do it..." "they pass the baby.."

ok.. this dog.. is fantastic.. according to kokken..
he've heard of this famous dog mentioned in alot of forums..
and guess what? after all the steep climbs.. we saw this dog there...
its as tho it was his home..

next up.. live discovery channel..
i saw something move on the rock.. big long thing..
that wow-ed me..
and i started pointing... "eh look"
and jeff started saying.. "ya.. i saw.. look behind abit.."
what u call? herd? family? probably a nest.. of milipeades..
and yes.. below it.. there was a nest full of it.. it looked like wires all messed up..
best part? almost as thick as a finger.. O.O

and journey continues... walked..


can even get the view of KL tower and KLCC..

break for more snapshots of surrounding scenaries..

and posers..

more to climb.. up up up...

whoa.. gaya la...

need a hand? not as easy as it seems...

and viola.. our new friend found..
come on.. even the girls can do it..
so next time there will be no reasons to say cannot...

ah Ha.. auntie and small kid also can ah...
this auntie leaded one whole family for this hike..
and they sped past us..

the girls at it again.. jia you!

there.. this is the family.. almost all of them wore orange...
i could have been one of them.. =p

break time... almost.. but not the peak yet.. this is where the challenging part comes in...

here.. u even have to rely on the rope to get down.. in order to climb higher...

yeah.. in order to climb higher.. thats what i meant..

and when u are somewhere near the top.. jesus will also be near to u.. or maybe next to u..=p

yitwei's attempt of handstand.. managed, nearing the peak of the hill..
boy wonder~ luckily he didnt fall and become a dumbass.. =p

picture.. and made more friends...
even exchanged contacts... everyone here is friendly..
all came here.. for the same reason.. same interest.. same aim..

now this is what we've went thru...

the girls.. still on track..

and somewhere there.. we reached the peak.. so many people sat there for a break.. we didint stop.. becuz it was just too crowded..
and alot of people bring expensive camera up there.. to get nice pictures...
those with the big big lenses... hahaha..

and then.. we took a road.. the people seem to be not taking...trying to gain altitude..
and walked and walked.. and came to a dead end... until so much trees and branches were in our way.. so we had to head back to the junction...

and started heading down...
the journey downwards was boring.. tiring.. and seriously bad..
alot slipped..
and the gang infront of us had girls.. so they had to be cautious..
and hence forming a traffic jam behind..
its tiring to walk and stop and walk and stop all the time.. but theres only one road.. and u cant do much but walk on...

and after somewhile.. we came to a rest house or something.. so they rest.. and we continued..
yitwei and kokken were like racing to get to the end... and we have to chase from behind..
finally we reached the place we started from.. the same place where.. i mean.. the place the toilet was.. ahem..

and gues what? the doggy was waiting for our arrival at the end..
the dog is very very friendly.. tame.. and tends to like people..
we even managed to take pics with her.. yeah.. her..
fed her some bread.. and yeah...
cute dog.. =)

we reached the bottom at about 11.30am.. so its 3 and a half hours...
but we were sure we could make it shorter.. cuz we kept stopping for photos..
and our way down was slow.. probably can make it in 2 hours next time..
haha.. so the next time.. must ask all to come..
even girls.. summore aunty can climb ah.. plz ah... summore the dog (female) also can climb ah...
so no excuse adi.. hahaha..

next destination? foooooooooood...
we were like..
ampang yong tofu?
hawker stall?
pizza hut?
and we finally decided on..

this is no ordinary kfc... its hell big..
and look at the branches...

and... the queue never breaks.. there will always be a queue..
we waited for the queue to shorten.. but it never seemed happening..
people just kept coming in..

and after a hearty meal and a fun-filled day.. we head home..

Posted on 2:40 PM


Factual myths and misleading fables to be told...


xing 18 guy
Fairytale teller

to worry and give concern, only hoping that they realise i actually cared...

My posts

● Cheese steamed rice.
● Hiking trip to bk tabur.
● 太傻 (too stupid)
● results out!
● results o results...
● taylors indoor ultimate.
● Belongings missing..
● Rusky bitten.
● Kite Flying & Picnic..
● Mother's day.


● December 2007
● January 2008
● February 2008
● March 2008
● April 2008
● May 2008
● June 2008
● July 2008
● August 2008
● September 2008
● October 2008






Layout: ES Designs Image: Kurt Halsey